log poetry...prose commentary


Thursday, November 24, 2005

the rainbow warrior

out of the darkness
of dependence
'neath tinted windows
over black paint


run up
curved and


i was in first grade
the first day
rolled the Rainbow Warrior
onto streets

i'm in eleventh

and Jimmy
is more than SUV
is my identity
in him
i am free

in control

i decide where i go
when i go
to what station
i tune MY radio

and i know
he can get me there

six cylinders
gears spin wheels
tires squeal
under folded down
back seats
making space to load
so i can play shows
and mow lawns i'm paid to mow

he takes care of me
so i take care of Jim

rearview mirror
with rubber chicken

cops will stop us
different is suspicious

i will wreck him
because i
drive in daydreams

mom and dad
will try to convince me
to paint Jim black
and lose the lines

but i will fight for my
warrior's stripes
and he will ride again
in full glory

in college
his hood will fly high
on highway

someday closer
to two-hundred thousand miles
i will sell him
for a less interesting
Chevy Blazer

Jim will work for the
U.S. Postal Service

he will be
a first car

making a lucky
young lady

this is an audio post - click to play


  • At 11/24/2005 5:36 PM, Blogger Matt said…

    ode to my first car. tell me about your first car, or bike, or moped, or shoes.

  • At 11/25/2005 4:27 AM, Blogger Justin Hancock said…

    I didn't wear shoes a lot when I was a kid. Which is funny because I was running around in South Texas (fire ants, cactus, hot earth, etc.) When I did though, I wore these little cowboy boots my Mom bought for me. I think she always wanted me to be cowboy.

    The first shoes I can remember getting beyond those cowboy clunkers was a generic pair of pump-ups. I remember wanting the real things really bad and then going to Wal-Mart to buy the $10 equivalent. I think the air pockets broke within the first two weeks.

  • At 11/26/2005 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My first bike was a White and Neon Green Huffy! I got in in the 2nd grade. I was already a little big for it when I got it but I wanted it so bad. No one else had a bike so bright that it practically glowed! I rode and rode that bike until my knees would hit me in the chest b/c I was way too big for it.


  • At 11/30/2005 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh how i love and miss the rainbow mobile!

  • At 11/30/2005 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh how i love and miss the rainbow mobile!

  • At 12/08/2005 12:46 AM, Blogger faith said…

    i still don't think i've had my first car-- still playing music vehicles with my family members, still driving something big and white.
    but i can say that when i was 5 i had some indian moccasin boots from the smoky mountains and i've never forgiven my feet for growing out of those boots. they were my identity.

    "jtlwitzc" = a person who likes to wait in a timely manner before commenting (specifically pertaining to matt g's blog)


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