Mike vs. The Openness
I’ve seen the mic
Get passed
Get slammed
By heartbroken lovers
Passionate preachers
And poetry pimps
I’ve seen women and men
Wield the mesh of steel
As if it were…
Unsheathed from the stone
That is a stand
As if it could
Make kings
Or queens of them
Is the mic
The power in poets’ palms
A magic wand that
Welds words to wattage
Helps hold hostage
The minds of those
Or is it an evil
Forcing patrons to
Yell more
Over all that is amplified
When they choose to converse
In competition
With verse?
Waging war
Against poetry
Perhaps theses machines
For public address
Are not necessities
For poets to connect
But rather
Accessories to the clamor
Of disrespect
Here, now
We have no mics,
No stands, or cords
Just words
Spoken from eight
Inch stage
Into air
Into ears
Lent freely
To anyone with words
Here, now
Our words
Need not change
Into electricity
To make possible
Of vocabulary
And conviction
These naked words are
Projected honestly into
The openness
Of reverent attentiveness
Into the openness
Of an audience
Who came to listen
See, if force is used
It isn’t love
It’s abuse
Real love
Lets its’ object choose
That’s why I don’t speak
Into an electronic scepter
When I read
That’s why this stage
Sports one speaker
Not three
That’s why the King of Kings
Doesn’t love
With a crown
Or a gun
His kind of love lives
On lips
And in ears
So thanks,
For openness
In absence of mic
At 6/03/2006 3:06 PM, Matt said…
this is a picture taken at Revolution Cafe and Bar. Revolution is the best bar in Bryan/College Station--nay--the world! Art Art Art...and community are here.
the poem is about the poetry open mic i attended religiously for over a year at Revolution. my favorite part about Mic Check "where we don't need no mic" is just that. we literally never used a microphone. people just came to listen to one another. first time performance poets and national slam champions recited original words from that eight inch stage. everyone felt loved.
i move to Austin this week. for the next two years, Austin will host the national poetry slam. i'll probably go. each moment i'm moved by spoken word, i will miss mic check, revolution, and C.S.
(cold sangria)
At 6/05/2006 11:11 PM, Kelly said…
yes matt graham. awesome. really. get excited for austin! but know you'll be missed in cs at revolutions in the fall for sure!
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