log poetry...prose commentary


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Open Letter to the Stars


it has been a long time

since we were last

all together

it does me good to see you

remember when last

i looked long into

your eyes winking

at all things easily believed

we always asked each other

the same question:

how can people disbelieve

God’s existence

when you


since we last spoke

i’ve met some doubters

i’ve been one, also

i have searched and

this is what I have found

people don’t doubt God

for lack of stars

we forsake him

in anger

in fear

and most often

in disappointment


sometimes it’s one big old

bright Red Dwarf

who dies

in the night that was

only one star away from

too dark to see


sometimes it’s small hopes

and prayers burning out subtly

among so many other delayed hopes and

so much unknown emptiness

the lack goes unnoticed for



a moment

let’s just sit here together

pretending to be still

all the while spinning

see if we can just



for this moment

without any of us dying

squint at each other as

i try in vain to count you all

as you struggle to

distinguish the hairs on my head

for all the distance and darkness

light pollution and constant turning

none of us succeed

we are but rubbernecked passersby’s

over shoulders

out corners of eyes questioning

the accident

it seems we are

i laugh

at my smallness in light of

your vast quantity

and epic individuality

for you are suns and earths

of men

like me…

remember us on

unlit legs of back country roads

legs on car hoods

backs on windshields?

remember us on still lake

at summer camp?

we stood with many
now-fallen comrades
then still fighting

to believe


  • At 2/04/2007 6:08 AM, Blogger Matt said…

    this is the third installment of the trilogy i wrote on a ship in mid-january

    the picture is a portion of a painting i did for my best friend on his return from China

    the theme of the painting is home. it is full of textual prompts to continue in hope for a homeplace behind the stars

  • At 2/04/2007 2:47 PM, Blogger ashley said…

    love jackopierce!

  • At 2/04/2007 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i like the painting.. is that the one you were telling me about with the squares?

  • At 2/08/2007 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i like it

  • At 2/12/2007 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    maybe..just maybe...some ppl believe because they too are afraid, afraid of what not believing means, of being disppointed by everything they see that they need to believe in sthg higher that they cannot see. if you have to struggle to believe how can that truly be satisfying? i believe... maybe in the same things you do but just not in the way you would want me to!

  • At 2/12/2007 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    maybe..just maybe...some ppl believe because they too are afraid, afraid of what not believing means, of being disppointed by everything they see that they need to believe in sthg higher that they cannot see. if you have to struggle to believe how can that truly be satisfying? i believe... maybe in the same things you do but just not in the way you would want me to!

  • At 2/12/2007 4:14 PM, Blogger Matt said…

    who is this?

  • At 2/25/2007 6:05 AM, Blogger Justin Hancock said…

    wasn't me

    have you ever visited www.mattgraham.com? it kicks www.justinhancock.com's ass.

  • At 2/25/2007 10:28 AM, Blogger faith said…

    good to be near justin again, even if it's only a metaphysical blog post...

    matt, i really like this one a lot. something about it. i won't attempt, but. you know. you're alright, man.


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